【同义词辨析】 2018-01-26 教授teach-educate
teach: applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn: ~ them how to ski.
instruct: suggests methodical or formal teaching: ~ the new recruits in calisethenics at boot camp. 健美操 boot camp新兵训练营;(青少年犯的)劳教营
educate: implies an attempt to bring out and develop latent capabilities: ~ students so that they are prepared for the future.
train: stresses instructing and drilling with a specific end in view: ~ed foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft. 培训train强调指导和训练drill: to fix as a habit through repetition,drill在2017-08-05 练习practice-drill
discipline: implies a subordinating to a master or subjection to control: ~d herself to exercise daily.
school: implies training or disciplining especially in what is hard to master or bear: ~ed myself not to flinch at the sight of blood.
teach教传授: 任何传授知识技巧,instruct指导: 正式的有步骤(methodical)的传授,educate教育: 挖掘并发展潜力,train: 强调目的明确的指导训练,discipline训练: 表示服从和受控, school也是训练: 用于难掌握或难承受
记忆方法: 1)首字母TIETDS重组成TEST ID考试编号<==教授
2)教授的意思是使获得知识技巧mean to cause to acquire knowledge or skill.